" In The Alamo Piece ... Mr. Aguilar is a transcendent Tijuanita, a hairy voluptuary who looks not out of place on a divan but can expand to cosmic size when the gringo lusts after her. Mr. Aguilar also plays both of her brothers, one of them a dope runner. But it is when he activates the puppet of one brother that you suddenly realize that the manipulated object is the most living character on stage...
The Alamo Piece,...was really a demonstration that in the space occupied by Sigfrido Aguilar and Jim Calder the laws of physics don't apply... In a word, Mr. Aguilar and Mr. Calder are doing what they always do: exploring the limits of illusion and seeking ways to extend those limits."
The New York Times/ Theater Review/ When Puppets Outshine Real-Life Actors
By D.J.R. Bruckner/ January 16, 2002